A DECADE OF RADICAL ISLAM: Will the West wake up to the threat in time?

>> Joshua Fund to help Arab Christians distribute 160,000 more copies of “Damascus” film

By the grace of God, and the brave action of fast-thinking passengers over the skies of Detroit last week, Americans were spared a massive terrorist attack that was planned for Day. Chilling details are now emerging of a wider plot, with possibly hundreds of suicide bombers coming to the U.S. Yemen’s foreign minister told a British paper, “Of course there are a number of al-Qaeda operatives in Yemen and some of their leaders. We realise this danger. They may actually plan attacks like the one we have just had in Detroit. There are maybe hundreds of them — 200, 300.”

Dozens of similar terror plots have been foiled over the last eight years, as I document in Inside The Revolution. But overall, the West is still asleep to the danger posed by adherents of Radical Islam.

The U.N. is doing nothing to stop Iran from getting the Bomb. Europe is doing nothing to stop Iran from getting the Bomb. Asia is doing nothing to stop Iran from getting the Bomb. President Obama refuses to recognize that his diplomatic overtures to the Radical regime in Iran are being laughed at in Tehran, while the mullahs race for nuclear weapons continues unabated. The President refuses to fully support the pro-democracy Reformers in the streets of Iran, even though they are willing to die to bring about true, peaceful change in their country. The President, to his credit, has committed more U.S. troops to fight al Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan. But he dithered for much of the year and let many Americans die on the battlefield in the process. Meanwhile, Washington is doing everything it can to restrain Israel from dealing decisively with Iran.

AP:  Iran trying to secretly import 1,350 tons of purified uranium from former Soviet republic

How is all this a recipe for protecting the American people and our most faithful allies from disaster? We have been fortunate so far. But how long can this last if so many leaders pay little or no serious attention to the central threat of our time?

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GO: Epicenter Conference in Manila, Philippines in January 2010

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