“There’s a slew of new conservative-themed books recently published or about to be published — just in time for hitting the beach, going poolside or getting on the road. Blaze editors are often asked what books they read or would recommend,” reports The Blaze magazine and website. So we’re happy to provide a list of the top 10 new books to add to your summertime reading list…..”

#10 Implosion: Can America Recover From Its Economic & Spiritual Challenges in Time?

by Joel C.Rosenberg

Examining the state of the U.S. today, Rosenberg asks: “Is America an empire in decline or a nation poised for a historic Renaissance?” This book takes a look at what the future holds for our nation and addresses tough questions about our destiny that most people would rather ignore.

Implosion releases Tuesday in all general market and Christian bookstores, and on Kindle and Nook — to learn more, or order online please click here.

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