Santorum interviews Rosenberg on “Damascus Countdown.” Here’s the podcast.

damascuscountdown“The external threat to our country is a nuclear Iran, and there is nobody that is more prescient in his fictional novels that he’s written about what’s going to happen in the Middle East than Joel Rosenberg,” said former U.S. Senator and presidential candidate Rick Santorum on his radio show on Tuesday. “I hope he is wrong in this case, but his latest book is sort of what happens if all the things we’re worried about actually do happen. So I’m anxious to talk to him.”

Here’s a link to the podcast of the interview Santorum did with me on his Patriot Voices radio program. The Senator and I discussed Damascus Countdown and current trendlines in Israel, Iran and Syria. We also discussed the President’s upcoming trip to the epicenter. The interview begins at about 6:20 minutes into the podcast. It is followed by an interview the Senator did with Dr. James Dobson.

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