American support for Iran nuclear deal drops to only 21%, according to new poll. Here’s the latest.

(source: Pew Research)

(source: Pew Research)

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“As Congress prepares to vote on the nuclear agreement with Iran, public support for President Obama’s signature foreign policy achievement has plummeted, with just 21 percent of Americans polled by the Pew Research Center now saying they back the deal,” reports an article by the Washington Examiner.

Excerpts from the article:

  • “On a day when the 42nd Senate Democrat came out in favor of the deal, raising the possibility that a resolution to disapprove the deal may never make it to Obama’s desk to veto, the new poll suggests that he is losing the public relations battle.
  • “Back in July, shortly after the deal was reached, Pew found 33 percent supported it, compared with 45 percent who opposed it.
  • “But after a summer of ads and speeches by supporters and opponents and an aggressive PR push from the White House, the same poll now finds that 21 percent approve compared to 49 percent who disapprove….
  • “Among those who say they have heard at least a little about the agreement, 57 percent disapprove compared to just 27 percent who disapprove — a more than two-to-one margin of disapproval.
  • “Support for the deal declined across the ideological spectrum.
  • “Even among Democrats, support fell from 50 percent to 42 percent over the summer. Though that’s higher than the 29 percent of Democrats who say they oppose the deal, it’s still striking that Obama couldn’t even muster majority support for the deal among Americans who identify with his party….”





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