#TheFirstHostage hits #13 on Publishers Weekly bestseller list. Today Show says it’s “fantastic” and “just so prescient.”

TodayShow-screenshot(Washington, D.C.) — We just got the news that The First Hostage has hit #13 on the Publishers Weekly hardcover fiction best-seller list.

Given that we’re up against the biggest novel writers of our time — John Grisham, Stephen King, James Patterson, Nicholas Sparks, David Baldacci, Mitch Albom, Harper Lee, Dean Koontz, Janet Evanovich, and more — I’m amazed we made the list at all!

Thank you so much to all of my readers who’ve been so enthusiastic and supportive of this new one. Thanks, too, for all the word-of-mouth you’ve been doing, writing about and reviewing The First Hostage on Facebook, Twitter and all kinds of other social media. I couldn’t be more grateful. and please keep it up!

Also, in case you missed it, here’s the video of my appearance on the Today Show on Friday morning with Kathie Lee Gifford and Hoda Kotb. It’s brief, but I was so encouraged by how enthusiastic Kathie Lee was about The First Hostage and my ten other novels. She’s read them all and wanted to introduce me to her audience. She and Hoda have been so kind — love those two. (Here’s my write up on how I got invited onto the show and a bit about my lunch with Kathie Lee, her brother, and a Hollywood producer.)

Watch by clicking here — or read the transcript:

GIFFORD: Before we go, I want to introduce you to my friend, Joel C. Rosenberg. He’s a New York Times best-selling author who has written a new book called, The First Hostage, the second in a series that is just so prescient. It’s unbelievable!

KOTB: You’ve been raving about his books, by the way, Kath.

GIFFORD: I’ve read every one — how many have you written? — because I’ve read them all.

ROSENBERG: This is the eleventh.

GIFFORD: This is the eleventh, yeah. He sends them to me in galley form before they’re out now because I want to know — I can’t wait.

ROSENBERG: I didn’t know until the last book that you even liked them, I didn’t know. So — or that you even read them.

GIFFORD: I do. I read them and I love them because they’re geopolitical, historical — well, they’re happening now kinda thing — they’re scenarios that could happen.

ROSENBERG: They could happen — ISIS captures chemical weapons, tries to assassinate or capture the President of the United States. These are the kind of things you do not want to happen, but they make for good fiction.

KOTB: Well, you’re very first one [The Last Jihad] was a best-seller, and they’ve all been since.

GIFFORD: They’ve all been.

KOTB: And I have a feeling this one will be, too.

ROSENBERG: They have all been best-sellers, and that’s crazy, right?

GIFFORD: For our Joel! Thank you for coming by and being with us.

KOTB: Thank you, Joel!

GIFFORD: Fantastic book!



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