She. Has. Been. Stopped.


She. Has. Been. Stopped.

I thank God these prayers have been answered in an absolutely stunning, historic and largely unexpected night.

To her credit, Hillary Clinton has called Trump to concede the race — something I’m not sure I ever truly thought I’d see.

So now it’s official:

  • Donald J. Trump will be the 45th President of the United States
  • Gov. Mike Pence will be the next Vice President of the United States
  • The House will remain in conservative Republican control.
  • The Senate — another stunner — will remain under Republican control.

Coming from behind, making many mistakes, yet finishing strong, Mr. Trump did the impossible in this campaign, becoming the first non-politician, non-war hero ever to win the presidency in the entire history of the Republic.

He just finished his acceptance speech — I thought it was gracious, positive, and remarkably humble.

Trump said it is “time to bind the wounds” of the nation that promised, “I will be President for all Americans.” He said “the forgotten people” of the country will be “forgotten no longer.” He said he would need the help of many to bring the country together, and he would seek the help even of those who did not support him. Good for him. It was the best speech I’ve ever heard Trump give — presidential — and it was just what we needed to hear from the victor.

The Clintons were defeated tonight. The Obamas were defeated tonight. The Left was crushed. They look and sound deeply shaken. They didn’t see this coming. They are now bracing for impact, as is the media and the markets.

Let us pray for our new President and Vice President, and their families and teams — for safety, for wisdom, for stamina. Let us pray for a peaceful transition of power come January. And let us continue to pray that the Lord would show mercy to an America in deep trouble and deeply divided.


> Here’s an interview I did yesterday on CBN News on Evangelicals and the elections.


[This column is based on my personal beliefs and opinions. I share them in my personal capacity as an American citizen and an author. They do not reflect the views of The Joshua Fund, which is a non-profit organization and takes no political or legislative positions.]



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