“Putin Is More Dangerous Than Radical Islam,” says author/expert. Here’s why. [My new op-ed for Fox News & interview with Breitbart News.]


(Jerusalem, Israel) — This morning, FoxNews.com published a new column of mine on the massive Russian war games underway near the borders of three NATO countries and Ukraine. The column includes findings from an exclusive poll I commissioned about American attitudes towards Russia and Putin earlier this year.

Earlier this week, I was interviewed by a reporter for Breitbart News about the Putin threat and my forthcoming novel, The Kremlin Conspiracy. That article was also published today.

Here are excerpts from that article:

  • As Russian forces conduct a major military exercise this week in northwestern Belarus, one man has ominous words to describe the latest global aggression directed by President Vladimir Putin.
  • “After 16 years of writing about radical Islam I’m personally convinced that Vladimir Putin is more dangerous than radical Islam, “ Joel Rosenberg, bestselling author of numerous books on radical Islam and the Islamic State, told Breitbart News….
  • Rosenberg, who moved to Israel from the United States several years ago — born to a Jewish [father] and now an evangelical Christian — calls Putin a “monster” and ticks off a list of the threats posed by Russia around the globe, from the invasion and annexation of Crimea in the Ukraine to insertion into conflicts in the Middle East, including Syria….
  • Rosenberg said [that]…while a majority of Americans do see Putin and Russia as a threat, the concern has been over-shawdowed by the very real threat of ISIS and even North Korea. Rosenberg wrote about that fact early this year after commissioning a poll to gauge specifically what Americans think of Putin and Russia.
  • Sixty percent of respondents said they believe Putin has global ambitions, picking the answer that states Russia wants to “regain the glory of Mother Russia by expanding the territory and influence of Russia in Europe and the Middle East, including by military force.”
  • Rosenberg has extraordinary credentials for his perspective on America’s enemies, earning him the nickname of a “modern day Nostradamus.”
  • In 2002, Rosenberg opened his debut novel, The Last Jihad, with Muslim extremists using an airplane in a kamikaze attack on the president of the United States. Rosenberg wrote that scene before the 9/11 terror attack….
  • Rosenberg’s upcoming novel is focused on what seems to be his latest prophetic piece of fiction. The Kremlin Conspiracy will be released in March.
  • Rosenberg didn’t want to reveal too much about his new book, but he did cite a real-life [RAND Corporation study] that said if Russian decided to capture the Baltic states it could do so in 60 hours.
  • “So I go back to my premise: Vladimir Putin is more dangerous than radical Islam,” Rosenberg said, adding that Americans better “wake up before it’s too late.”
  • “Putin is the greatest geo-political threat that the West faces,” Rosenberg said…. 

To read the full article, please click here.


>> To pre-order a copy of The Kremlin Conspiracy (which releases March 6th), please click here.

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